- NO CLASSES at any venue this Monday June 6 Public Holiday
- Queens Park:only: No class this Tuesday June 7 ONLY
- Kwinana: classes cancelled indefinately. Apologies if this inconveniences you. Please contact the office during business hours if you have any concerns.
- Bentley: Now one class only Monday and Thurs 6:30PM
- Royal Park: Now one class only Thurs nights at 6:00PM (Still running other mornings and days as usual)
- South Perth: Regular Zumba classes move to the South Perth Civic Centre (Map)
- South Perth Civic Centre, Cnr South Tce & Sandgate St South Perth – 1 class only, Tues 6PM, Thurs 9AM
- Zumba Gold remains at South Perth Seniour Citizens Centre Fri 9:30AM
- Cockburn: it’s back at Cockburn! (Beeliar now closed). Thursdays 7.30pm 25 Wentworth Pde, Success
- Cockburn: it’s back at Cockburn! Thursdays 7.30pm 25 Wentworth Pde, Success
- Canning Vale Amherst Village: Thurs 8pm class suspended only. All other classes still running
- Remember, if you are after our quality Zumba® with Danza Loca classes that they are listed here only.
- If they are not listed here then they are not run by us. If you are ever unsure about a class just ask the receptionist “is this a Danza Loca class?” and/or contact us with your comments. We appreciate any and all feedback!!!